Internship Orientation Programme
KSS’s Krantiveer Sangolli Rayanna College of Education organized the INTERNSHIP ORIENTATION PROGRAMME for IV Semester today 31/07/2023 in the college at 11.00AM..The program began with a prayer song by students Maduri and Shruti. Student Bibijan welcomed the gathering. All the staff Prof D.H.Naik, Dr N.A. Pujari, Dr N.S.Jadhav, Dr G.M.Sunagar provided valuable instructions to the students. Internship incharge Dr S.A Narasgouda also provided the instructions to be followed by students in the school. The Principal Dr B.G.Dharwad summarised all the instructions and added some valuable guidelines. Student Shilpa G proposed vote of thanks. Student Anjana anchored the program. All the students of 2nd and 4th semester were present on the occasion.